Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Cook Like A University Student

Learn to love it
Yes ... the end is near. The end of your sheltered life is at hand and with it comes a new beginning which involves, among other things, labouring over a hot stove and cleaning up after yourselves.

With CAPE season now upon you, the end of your secondary school life is drawing ever closer. No doubt, many of you are already busily preparing for your departure to universities in the region and elsewhere. Hence, now is the perfect time to introduce all of you sheltered birds - soon to fly the coop - to the realities of university life by teaching you the most essential of lessons: how to cook like a university student.

For, along with your books, money and other necessities, you will need to throw in some tried and true menus on how to prepare a great (well...edible) meal when all you have in your cupboard is a handful of rice and a soon-to-be-expired tin of sausage.

Do you want to learn how you can survive when you only have ten dollars left to last until the end of the month? Do you need some tips on how best to sponge on thy neighbours? In other words, how to cook and eat like a UWI student?

Here's how:


We will start our series of recipes with this UWI classic. This meal is central to any university student's diet. It is the perfect un-nutritious, unbalanced, high-caloric, but most importantly cheap, quick and filling meal.

You need: