Sunday, September 5, 2010

Diary of a fresher: The Cross Over.

Photo credit: Queen B
University isn't all about the books. Had I known this before coming to the University of the West Indies Mona campus, I would have been better off.

It is all about a whole new world out there, and if you are on hall, then you have no choice but to shape up and adapt. Orientation to the hall was probably one of the hardest things ever, but at last night's Cross Over it was great.

After two weeks of being called a "pilgrim" and being made to do ridiculous stuff, we were given our final challenge on a quest to move on from being a fresher. I will not fool you and say it was easy, because it wasn't - it was one of the hardest things ever!

However it taught you many things that will essential in the university life. One that stuck with me and will forever is TEAM WORK. Working together is the best way to get the job done. There is no "I" in team, and the sooner we realize that the better it will be.

Now back to the Cross Over. It was a very tiring process, and especially trying to do it on a sprained ankle like me. Eventually at 5 a.m we were finally allowed to cross over!

BUT we are only REX's until our official ceremony next Sunday. What a feeling! However getting through that tedious process ensured that many of us slept until well into the evening on Sunday, hence the reason for this late post.

However, forgetting all things in the past and moving on because it is looks as though these three years at UWI will be the best ever. And as Obama said, "You cannot go forward looking back," so with eyes front, we are moving ahead. Looking forward to school in a few hours.

Until next time, i'm out!

Queen B!

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